
 applnk2wm is a python script that converts the KDE/GNOME menu which usually resides in /usr/share/applnk into a format understood by Window Maker.

The generated menu can then be added to your existing main menu as a submenu.

  Project page
  Download page


1. Unpack archive in a temporary directory

     tar -xzvf applnk2wm.tar.gz

2. Make sure the program is executable. If not use

     chmod a+x applnk2wm


     ./applnk2wm -V
   to make sure. (You should get version info).
3. Copy the program to a directory in your PATH.
   '/usr/local/bin' is usually a good place.
     cp ./applnk2wm /usr/local/bin/

   (You may need to be root to do this.)

4. Run 

     applnk2wm --help
   to get information on how to use the program.

That's it. You can remove the temporary files.

How to use applnk2wm:

 There are two ways you can use applnk2wm. Either generate a submenu and save it
to a textfile or generate the menu each time the menu is accessed. Having a 
saved copy is much faster.

 In order to add as an external submenu, use the Window Maker Preferences Utilitys
(WPrefs) to add an 'External Submenu' entry to your main menu and point it to the file
generated by applnk2wm.
To save the ouput of the program to file, use:
  applnk2wm [OPTIONS] PATH > file

 If you want to add the menu as a generated submenu, use the Window Maker Preferences 
Utility (WPrefs) to add a 'Generated Submenu' to your main menu and supply path to
applnk2wm and options to be used.

The applnk tree:

 Usually the applnk directories are in '/usr/share/applnk' . Just providing this
directory will work in most cases. Some distributions or if you are running a custom
install of KDE or GNOME may place this directory tree in other places.

 To make sure that you are using the right path, run applnk2wm with just the path.
The generated menu will show up on the console.

On locale:

 applnk2wm tries to guess your locale by looking at the LANG environment variable.
If your LANG is set to 'en_US.UTF-8' it parses out 'en' and uses that.

 You can override that with the '--locale=WORD' option. As an example, swedish locale
would be '--locale=sv'.

 If you don't want to use locale use '-n' or '--nolocale' to turn off locale support.

 If you are unsure of which locale applnk2wm is using, use '-L' or '--print-locale'
to print it to the console.

Other options:

  -d, --no-dialogs

     Don't add 'open file/URL' dialogs for those applications that support it.
     Window Maker has the ability to show 'open file' dialogs when an application
     is run. By default applnk2wm will add those dialogs to those applications
     shortcuts that support it. This option turns off the feature.

  -e, --add-exec

     Add executable name after application name. Useful for distributions that
     use generic names instead of executable names in the menu.
     Example: Internet Browser (mozilla)


     Overrride maximum recursion depth. applnk2wm has a maximum recursion depth as
     a safety measure. The default for DEPTH is 10 directories.

     If you have a very deep menu structure and some of the deepest directories do
     not show up in the menu, try increasing this value.

Contact information:

Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Jari Rytilahti
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

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